Stories from long ago

Stories from my school days
A disturbance in the quadrangle
The English literature exam
The class-room clock
The school trophy cabinet

Stories about places
Wingan Inlet
Rattlesnake Island and Undine Reef
Shark Bay 1984
Working on the East Coast 1967
Working at the Glen Wills gold mine 1965
Wilsons Promontory and Cleft Island
New Zealand 1992
Russia 1992
My trip to the N Hemisphere 1997
Tasmania 2000
Far North Queensland 2002

Other stories
At the Pyramids of Giza
Strange coincidences
The pigeons' thread
Miss Victoria Brown
The legend of the black panther
Nasty people

The girl on the train

The story of my life

Stories from the older and wiser
Granpa Sugden (writing about the period 1849 to 1880)
Aunt Cicely (1903 to 1952) (with an addendum of letters from John B Nevill, born in 1803)

Hilda Evelyn South: The salamander
Hilda Evelyn South: Rip the Airedale
Hilda Evelyn South: Emily the bantam
Hilda Evelyn South: One sunny afternoon

Hilda Evelyn South: a few of her letters

Hilda Evelyn South: family stories zipped folder download


